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Disclosure Log

Disclosure Log

The disclosure log is updated regularly and provides details of FOI requests that we feel may have a wider public interest. Please note that the disclosure log does not list everything that has been released under FOI. Some responses consist of large number of documents that are not held in electronic format. Where practical, the documents concerned have been scanned and made available online via our website. In addition to a summary of the original request, the log indicates whether or not the information was released and what exemptions, if any, were applied.

Where the actual reply has been reproduced, the applicant’s name and other personal details will be deleted.

Request Number Request Description Closure Date Outcome Type Outcome Reason
20585 Port Authority reports on the proposed port/dock development. Proposal made by Atlantic Star to develop port/cargo dock. Including drawing & sketches. 15-Jan-09 Administrative Closure Withdrawn by applicant
20647 The MOU signed between the Government, Port Authority and Atlantic Star Ltd. for the proposed port development project. 27-Jan-09 Public Domain s. 9(d) the information is already in the public domain
21766 Who is importing cargo and what is being imported through which carriers; whether it is individuals or businesses for the calendar year 2008? 17-Feb-09 Granted in Full Granted in full
28368 Trying to obtain information in regards to final pay check: Produce vacation records from 1989 to 2008. Explain why other staff received full 28 day vacation from the time the Labour Law mandated 28 in 1996. Give reasons why owed 67 days in back vacation pay. Why still waiting on refund of $1066.60 deducted from final pay check for sick time when a doctor’s note was produced and had only used those days for 2008.The 67 days are since 1996 and the figure 67 is a total of what is thought to be owed. These include sick days that is assumed should be paid for. 09-Oct-09 Granted in Full Granted in full
28768 A comprehensive list of every current government entity/authority/department unit/portfolio/ministries that is currently renting its office space. I am requesting a record /s that contain/s following information. a. The location that is being rented b. Square footage of the space being rented c. The cost per square foot / month of the space being rented d. Date of expiration for the lease agreement 08-Oct-09 No Records Found No records exist
29948 Please provide me with copies of the minutes for April 09 to Oct 09 which include discussions pertaining to my business Tropical Collections Ltd and <REDACTED> business as she is selling certain items which I have written in asking for exclusitivity on selling. 13-Oct-09 Granted in Full Granted in full
31040 Provide a copy of the (1) draft and (2) final copy of the memorandum of understanding between the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands and Dart Enterprises Construction Company. This was announced in the Compass on 5 November 2009 in article by Alan Markoff “Dart Gets Port” quoting Premier Bush. 12-Nov-09 Deferred s. 11(2)(b) the record was prepared for presentation to the Parliament or for the purpose of being made available to a particular person or body
31144 Information is hereby requested on LTL Various Container Statistics for the period July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 as follows, Revised Version 2: 1. Arrival date of the vessel at the George Town Port 2. The shipping line transporting the container to the Cayman Islands 3. The name of the vessel transporting the container to the Cayman Islands 4. The vessel’s voyage number to Grand Cayman 5. The Vessel Operating Carrier (VOCC) or Non Vessel Operating Carrier (NVOCC) responsible for the container 6. The container’s serial number 7. The container’s size e.g. 20 FT, 40 FT, 45 FT, etc. 8. The type of container: R (Regular), HC (High Cube), FR (Flat Rack), RF (Refrigerated), etc. 9. The number of consignees with cargo in the container 10. The total cubic feet measure in the container. 11. The total Port Fees paid by the LTL consignees. 12. The original port from which the container began its first transportation movement 13. The port where the container was loaded on the vessel transporting the container to the Cayman Islands 14. The date that the container was discharged from the vessel on to the George Town Port 15. The time that the container was discharged from the Vessel on to the George Town Port 16. The date that the container was received at the Cargo Distribution Centre (CDC) 17. The time that the container was received at the Cargo Distribution Centre (CDC) 18. The start date to unload the container at the Cargo Distribution Centre (CDC) 19. The start time to unload the container at the Cargo Distribution Centre (CDC) 20. The completion date of unloading the container at the Cargo Distribution Centre (CDC) 21. The completion time of unloading the container at the Cargo Distribution Centre (CDC) 22. The time taken to unload the container at the Cargo Distribution Centre (CDC) Please advise if all of the above information is already compiled in some form of report, if that is the case and it includes the requested information and other data then maybe that report as prepared will satisfy this FOI Request. Alternatively if the information is not already compiled in some form of report then for ease of reference and compilation of this FOI Request find attached a formatted Excel template (Version 2) into which the data can be entered. Disregarding previous request for Port Redevelopment Plans, MOU etc. 07-Dec-09 Granted in Full Granted in full
32927 The entire contents of personal (personnel) file. Personnel file held by the Port. Requestor called <REDACTED> personally the day before submitting this request and was informed that he could view his file via the HR Manager but he insisted that he wanted it to be handled by the FOI personnel as he wanted a copy of his entire file. Spoke with <REDACTED> on this matter and he agreed it was feasible. 04-Mar-10 Granted in Full Granted in full
33265 Records of any meetings with Decco Ltd. re: dock construction. 15-Mar-10 No Records Found No records exist
33527 Dear FOI manager,Please provide me with the following information.       a)    The exact salary of the Port Director      b)     The salary scale and salary range of the Port Director      c)      The date of the Port Director’s current employment contract      d)      The name of the person who issued and signed the above contract on behalf of the employer       e)      Any other benefits and allowances provided to the Port Director Thank you for your attention. 29-Mar-10 Exempt s. 21(1)(a)(ii) information of a commercial value destroyed or diminished if disclosed
Granted in Part Provided to Applicant
Exempt s. 24(b) endanger the safety of any individual
Exempt s. 21(1)(b) prejudice the commercial interests of any person or organisation
Exempt s. 17(1)(b)(i) disclosure would constitute an actionable breach of confidence
Exempt s. 24(a) endanger the physical or mental health of any individual
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
42156 I refer to the below request, please confirm if your department can respond outside of FOI, if not, I will transfer accordingly in JADE.  1.       A request for records relating to the agreement ‘if any’ on the cruise ship berthing facility in George Town:a)      Financial transactions ‘if any’ between Government and Dart;b)      Is there a new agreement with a Chinese contractor- effective date of the contract, cost of the project and did anyone benefit from the negotiation of the deal (ie – finders fee); 04-Apr-11 Administrative Closure Request responded to outside of FOI
No Records Found No records exist
42164 1.    Copies of the board minutes of the meeting at which the termination of the agreement with GLF and Royal Construction was discussed.2.    Copies of any correspondence from the Premier to the Board in relation to the decision to terminate the agreement between with GLF and Royal construction.3.    Copies of all correspondence from the committee established to select the developer of the port that worked with GLF and Royal construction to the board. 01-Aug-11 No Records Found No records found
Exempt s. 20(1)(d) prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs
Exempt s. 20(1)(b) inhibit the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation
Granted in Part Subject to Deferred Access
42864 We are a UK firm of attorneys acting for GLF and now make this formal request for a copy of all notes and or minutes of meetings between the Government and the Port Authority (as well as any other governmental body) that touches and or concerns the above project. In addition, could you provide us with a copy of the Ministerial MOU which was signed by the Government and China Harbour Engineering? The relevant period is from 1 December 2010 to date. The reason is that the Parties executed a Framework Agreement on 14 December 2010 which the Government terminated 14 April 2011. 26-Jul-11 Exempt s. 20(1)(b) inhibit the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation
Exempt s. 20(1)(d) prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs
Administrative Closure Withdrawn by applicant
42869 my name is <REDACTED>, I’m a reporter with Cayman 27. I’m writing you with an FOI request. The requests mostly deal with specific documents and I’d like to request:  — Minutes from the last sixth months of Port Authority Board of Directors meetings.  The following, I believe, are included in those minutes, but in particular I’m looking for:  — Any letters sent from GLF/Royal Construction to the Board stating that either GLF or Royal are considering legal action against Government, the Port Authority or any members of the board. — Any documents from KPMG or any other banks or auditing firms outlining their opinions of the MOUs or framework agreements with GLF/Royal. — Any documents from local attorneys or advisors from the Attorney Generals office giving their opinion on Government ending deal with GLF/Royal and instead going with China Harbour Engineering Company. — The MOUs signed between government and both GLF/Royal and China Harbour Engineering Company.  Again, I believe some of the aforementioned documents would be included in the minutes from the meetings, but I just want to request them specifically in case they’re not. Please let me know if there’s any other information you need from me. 26-Jul-11 Exempt s. 21(1)(b) prejudice the commercial interests of any person or organisation
s. 20(1)(d) prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs
43186 A FOI request for non personal information.1) Copies Port Minutes December 2010 to Date2) Copies of any Notes, Minutes, Reports, or directives issued by Government to the Board.3) Apointment or Terminations of any Directors, Accountants, or Attorneys.4) Submissions by China Harbour to the Board or the Government.This is a non expedite requestPlease send by e-mail 26-Jul-11 Exempt s. 20(1)(d) prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs
s. 20(1)(b) inhibit the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation
43297 Request for non personal information:     1.    Copies of minutes of the meeting of the Cayman Islands Port Authority held on Friday June 24  2011 and Saturday June 25, 2011 Expedite:    Non requested. Information Format:    Electronic e-mail 01-Aug-11 Exempt s. 20(1)(b) inhibit the free and frank exchange of views for the purposes of deliberation
s. 20(1)(d) prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs
46419 The records I request are: “A copy of any report, including but not limited to feasibility studies, business case scenarios and financial evaluations, done by KPMG for the proposed George Town cruise port construction project that was to be built by GLF/Royal Construction.” 27-Feb-12 Refused s. 9(d) the information requested is already in the public domain
46425 Disclosure of MOU between CHina Harbour Engineering COmpany, the Ministry of Tourism, Environment, Investment and Commerce and the Cayman Islands Port Authority, concerning the building or expansion of the cruise berthing facilities in George Town, SPotts and West Bay. We understand the MoU was signed between the parties in or around June 2011. 28-Dec-11 Public Domain s. 9(d) the information is already in the public domain
98077 In you previous email of May 12, 2022, you stated that you were informed that there were no Audit and Risk Committee meetings for 2021. In reading Board Minutes 486, of December 2, 2021, item 4 (l), it is quite apparent that there was an Audit and Risk Committee meeting in 2021 and the committee approved for 23 staff to be paid for outstanding vacation time. I am hereby requesting copies of minutes for all Audit and Risk Committee meetings held in 2021 and 2022, with the exception of the Minutes for April 19, 2022. 28-Sep-22 Granted in Part Granted in part
s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
98081 I would like to make an FOI request for the specific salary and any allowances, additional allowances, special allowances, bonuses, honorariums, benefits etc., paid to the Acting Deputy Director of Finance of the Port Authority, Mr. Donovan Hutchinson in July 2021, October 2021, January 2022, April 2022, June 2022.If it is that Mr. Hutchinson was awarded any bonuses, allowances, or honorariums in the last year, I would also like to make an FOI request for copies of any emails, or other communication to or from any Board Members relating to any bonuses, allowances, honorariums, etc that were awarded to Mr. Hutchinson in the last year. 22-Aug-22 Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
Granted in part
98085 I wish to submit an FOI Request for the salary, and any allowances, additional allowances, special allowances, bonuses, honorariums, benefits etc., paid to the Acting Port Director of the Port Authority, Mr. Dale Christian September 2021, December 2021, March 2022, June 2022.  Please explain what each one is and who approved, when was the approval given, and for what reason were any allowances, bonuses, honorariums, benefits awarded.  Please also include any communication, or directions from the Board with respect to any changes to the salary, and any allowances, additional allowances, special allowances, bonuses, honorariums, benefits etc., paid to the Acting Port Director of the Port Authority, Mr. Dale Christian in the last year. 18-Aug-22 Granted in Part Granted in part
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
98089 I wish to submit an FOI Request for a listing of and the amounts in CI dollars, of any monthly allowances, additional allowances, special allowances, bonuses, honorariums, benefits etc., paid to the Acting CFO, Mr. Donovam Hutchinson in December 2021 and each month of 2022. Please explain what each allowance, additional allowance, special allowance, bonus, honorarium, or benefit is for and where any of them are different from December 2021, please include any related correspondence indicating who approved it, when the approval was given, and the reason provided to justify any new allowance, additional allowances, bonus, honorarium, or benefit awarded. Please also include any communication, or directions from the Board with respect to any changes to the salary and any allowances, additional allowances, special allowances, bonuses, honorariums, benefits etc., paid to the Acting CFO, Mr. Donovan Hutchinson between December 2021 and up to the filing of this request. What is the monthly salary of the Acting CFO? What is the monthly salary of the Port Director?Also sir, no board minutes has been posted since May 19, 2022 and this is now August 22, 2022.  Has there been any Board Meetings held since May 19, 2022? If so, when will the minutes be posted? 30-Aug-22 Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
Granted in Part Granted in part
98093 Board Minutes 502 reference a Revised Allowance Band and a night allowance for PACI’s Management Team. I am hereby submitting an FOI request for a copy of the revised Allowance Band, a list of all allowances paid by PACI to its staff, the amounts or rates of each of those allowances and PACI’s policy with respect to when allowances are paid. 20-Oct-22 Granted in Full Granted in full
98098 When <REDACTED> Interim Report made it into the hands of Cayman Marlroad, there were comments made about practically each manager that they knew absolutely nothing about, or had been asked about, or even had the opportunity to rebut. Up until the time that I retired, neither that report, nor the final report, were never shared with any of us Managers and that was not in keeping with the process of “natural justice,” seeing that unfounded and unsupported allegations were levied against managers who never knew such were made, nor had an opportunity to refute them.Hence, in accordance with the FOI Act, I am hereby requesting an un-redacted copy of Ms. <REDACTED> Interim Report and her Final Report. 28-Jul-22 Exempt s. 17(1)(a) subject to legal professional privilege
Granted in Part Granted in part
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
98102 Thanks for your response. However, I had only asked what was the amount of the bonus and what had transpired between the time that the Board had voted it and now, as I had not received any such bonus.    It is interesting to hear that some eight months after the Board approved it that it has gone to cabinet for approval. Can you advise if the other bonuses that I understand that the port paid last December were also approved by cabinet?    Please note that I am still awaiting the answers to my first two questions and now this third one, “Can you advise if the other bonuses that I understand that the port paid last December were also approved by cabinet?”   Finally, for the record, it doesn’t matter whether Cabinet approves the bonus or not, I do not wish to receive it and please do not pay any such bonus to my account. I am only seeking the answers to the questions that I asked. 16-Aug-22 Granted in Full Granted in full
98106 I wish to make one further FOI request for any correspondence relating to the statement made by the Chairman, Mr. Glidden, that “the bank signatories are no longer confident that Board approval is satisfactory” before making payment. My FOI request is as follows:1) Who are the bank signatories that advised the Chairman of such a statement?2) On what legal basis did those signatories arrive at that conclusion, as it appears from the correspondence that legal advice had previously been obtained?3) Copies of any such correspondence between signatories (including the CFO/ A-Deputy Director of Finance), discussing this matter, or correspondence between signatories and the Chairman relating to such statement and copies of correspondence (including hand made notes of any meeting, including any Board Meetings) whereby the Chairman was given that advice by the signatories. 4) Were any other honorariums granted between Sept 2021 and May 2022 and if so, may I have copies of correspondence relating to who approved those and the reasons they were made? 30-Aug-22 Exempt s. 17(1)(a) subject to legal professional privilege
Granted in Part Granted in part
98228 I hereby submit an FOI request for the following documents:1) The formal complaint that APD <REDACTED> received from the Night Shift.2) Any and all documents/correspondence made by APD <REDACTED> in connection with the complaint.3) The documented review conducted by Mr. Dale Christian and Mr. Stephen Ebanks and any reports or conclusions produced by them.4) Was there any consultation with the former Deputy Director of Operations with respect to the complaint or review and if so copies of any documents/correspondence relating to that consultation.5) A detailed listing of the number and positions needed to run the three month trial.6) A detailed list of what the trial was seeking to determine.7) Now that the three month trial been concluded, a copy of the report showing the analysis results and conclusions.8) What is the status of the staff hired to carry out the trial now that the trial period is over?9) How many of those staff were hired in breach of the process required in the Public Authorities Act and PACI’s HR Manual, ie Advertising, medical checks and background vetting?10) Who was responsible for hiring those persons?  Please provide any and all correspondence between them and the HR Manager?11) Were they during the trial period required to complete the process as regards to medical and background checks?11) Has any other staff been employed (contract of employment signed) without the above processes being carried out? If so, who was responsible. Please provide correspondence between them and the Acting HR Manager indicating that the checks were carried out as per the law and PACI’s HR Manual.12) Who is responsible for the HR functions while the HR Manager is on leave? Please provide correspondence relating to the appointment of that person. 14-Oct-22 Granted in Part Granted in part
Exempt s. 16(c) disclose, or enable a person to ascertain, the existence or identity of a confidential source of information, in relation to law enforcement
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
98260 Can you provide a list of all acting and duty allowances for the Port Authority for the past 12 months? This information should include all employee titles that fall under this category and how much they are receiving as the allowance. The start date of the allowance is also required.   I hope that you can provide this information at your earliest convenience as its for a timely story we are working on. 20-Oct-22 Granted in Full Granted in full
98486 For the sake of clarity, when I say Board, I also mean any member of the Board, not necessarily the whole Board, collectively.For any recruitment carried out between June and September 2022, May I please request the following documents under FOI:1) The listing of the applicants with their skills and qualifications and the reasons they were shortlisted to be interviewed.2) The interview scoring matrix.3) What was the positions of the persons who conducted the interviews for the positions?4) At what stage was background checks and medicals checks carried out for each one? Was it before or after they were informed they had been selected for the job? Was it before or after they had signed contracts of employment?5) Who was the PACI employee overseeing the recruitment on behalf of PACI.6) What degree or experience does that person have in HR matters?7) Any email correspondence between the PACI employee overseeing the recruitment and the Port Director, or any member of the Board, or the Audit and Risk Committee with respect to the recruitment.8) Copies of minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee meetings from March 2022 to September 2022.May I add one more item to that FOI request please? Who was the PACI employee responsible for the shortlisting of candidates for recruitment and any correspondence between them and the Port Director and/or the Board with respect to the shortlisting.Having said that, Can I also request under FOI, any correspondence issuing instructions to recruit for those positions and a copy of the current organizational chart. 19-Jan-23 Granted in Part Granted in part
No Records Found No records found
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
Exempt s. 17(1)(a) subject to legal professional privilege
Exempt s. 16(d) reveal lawful methods or procedures for preventing, detecting, investigating or dealing with matters arising out of breaches or evasions of the law
98553 Minutes 499 1 (e) reference an agenda item, “Allowance Bands” and state that it was to be postponed to the following meeting. In the minutes following, right up to the end of June 2022, there is no further reference to the “Allowance Bands.” If the Board has amended the Allowance Bands, I am requesting a copy of the amended copy under the FOI Act as well as a copy of the Board Minutes where it was approved.Under the FOI Act, I am also requesting a copy of Board Minutes 503, which still hasn’t been posted some three months after the meeting. 28-Nov-22 Public Domain s. 9(d) the information is already in the public domain
Granted in Part Granted in part
98580 In reading Minutes 503, it states that the ADDFF explained the need for new hires for vacant positions. I wish to FOI the following:1) His presentation of those needs, be it a business case, PPT, report or otherwise justifying those needs.2) The costings that he presented for those positions to be filled and the projected staffing costs for 2022 and 2023 that the Board approved.3) The Organizational Chart that he presented. 04-Oct-22 Administrative Closure Duplicate request
98584 In reading Minutes 503, it states that the ADDFF explained the need for new hires for vacant positions. I wish to FOI the following:1) His presentation of those needs, be it a business case, PPT, report or otherwise justifying those needs.2) The costings that he presented for those positions to be filled and the projected staffing costs for 2022 and 2023 that the Board approved.3) The Organizational Chart that he presented. 13-Dec-22 Granted in Full Granted in full
98644 CIG advertising spend broken down by media house and category (promotional vs. job adverts) for the time period of 1 Jan 2021 to 30 September 2022. 12-Oct-22 Granted in Full Granted in full
99719 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am requesting the following documents:1) Any statistics or documents, or accounting records, indicating the quantity of overtime paid to the Night Operations staff when they are called out to work other than for ship requested overtime, or their normally scheduled/rostered time, for the months of March 2021 and March 2022, June 2021 and June 2022, September 2021 and September 2022, November 2021 and November 2022.2) Any time management records indicating how many Night Ops staff have outstanding vacation time that cannot be taken by December 31, 2022 and what is the aggregate amount of that time?3) Any records summarizing the total number of sick days taken by the Night Ops staff for the period March to November 2022. 13-Dec-22 Granted in Full Granted in full
100078 I would like to make an FOI request for the Minutes of Board Meeting 509, which is not posted on the website. 11-Jan-23 No Records Found No records found
100135 I would like to request under the auspices of the FOI act, what percentage of PACI’s recurrent expenses was salaries, benefits, allowances and contracted services (such as contacted Security and Janitorial) for 2022? 13-Jan-23 Deferred s. 11(2)(a) the record is required to be published within a particular period under the provisions of a separate enactment
Granted in Full Granted in full
100163 We write to request copies of all vehicle usage policies, procedures and legislation for the following departments, statutory authorities and government companies in this Ministry: ·         Department of Tourism·         Public Transport Unit·         Cayman Airways·         Port Authority ·         Airports Authorities·         Cayman Turtle Centre·         Tourism Attraction Board We request that any documents released include any policies, procedures and references to legislation that legally entitles civil servants to abuse their access to government vehicles; insured and licenced with funds paid for by the public, fuelled with gas paid for by the public, maintained and serviced with funds paid for by the public to pick up coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner regularly, pick up friends and family and run other personal errands. We see the employees of the Public Transport Unit abusing their government issued vehicles to get lunch at Island Taste all the time.  We also request details of the number of, make and model of vehicles for each department, statutory authority and government company. 13-Jan-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
100188 Under the provisions of the FOI Act, I am requesting a copy of the agenda for Board Meeting 509. 13-Jan-23 No Records Found No records exist
100249 We request pre-action disclosure of all the materials referred to in your letter of 5th December 2022.  This include full disclosure of our client’s employment record and employment manuals referred to.  These requests for documents should also be considered as being made under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (2021 Revision), and Data Protection Act (2021 Revision). 03-Feb-23 Exempt s. 17(1)(a) subject to legal professional privilege
Granted in Part Granted in part
100381 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am requesting the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee for the period after September 6, 2022 until January 24, 2023. 03-Mar-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
100992 Request transferred from Water Authority for the following information:Copies of all databases compiled by the Aggregate Advisory Committee of quantities and types of aggregate imported, aggregate sources, landed costs and final disposition of aggregate. 13-Feb-23 Granted in Part Granted in part
No Records Found No records exist
101266 I hereby request under the FOI Act, a copy of the latest organizational chart that the Board has approved as mentioned in Board Minutes 511 on November 29, 2022. 18-Apr-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
101308 Under the FOI, may I request what amount in the figures provided for salaries and wages in 2021 and 2022, was attributed to allowances? And if allowances are not included, under the FOI law, may I request the amount of allowances paid in 2021 and 2022 please? 27-Apr-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
101481 <REDACTED> is publicly contending that he was transferred to Security by me and that I reduced his salary and I know that his transfer was effected around May 5, 2018, prior to my taking over as APD, which did not occur until May 23 or 24, 2018.Accordingly, I am requesting under the FOI Law, a copy of the letter wherein he was transferred around May 8, 2018.There was also an addendum added to his contract I believe to correct his hours of work from nighttime to daytime, which may have been signed by me. May I also request a copy of that too under the auspices of the FOI Law. 03-May-23 Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
Granted in Part Granted in part
103369 I hereby request under the auspices of the FOI Act, I hereby request a copy of the log of all Safety incidents and accidents that occurred on all port property, or involving port owned equipment whether on the Port or outside of the Port for the period of September 2022 to May 2023. 29-Jun-23 Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
Granted in Part Granted in part
103373 Under the Auspices of the FOI Act, I am requesting the percentage change in salary for Deal Ebanks between September 2021 and May 2023. Advise if the change includes cost of living and what percentage represents COL. 29-Jun-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
103377 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I wish to request the following information:What is the number of staff who are scheduled to be off, but were called into work overtime night time cargo ops each week from January 2023 to May 2023?From your records, how many night time cargo ops staff have worked six or seven nights in succession and on how many occasions did this occur between January 2023 and May 2023?From your records, how many staff have been called in to work overtime whilst on vacation between January and May 2023 and if so how many times and with how many individual staff members did it occur?What is the cost of overtime for each month for the period of January to May 2023? 14-Jul-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
103382 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I hereby request copies of the Audit and Risk Committee Minutes between February 10, 2023 and May 26, 2023. 19-Sep-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
103646 I would like to request under the auspices of the FOI Law, the deployment records of Taxi Dispatchers showing their deployment on non cruise ship days for January to May 2023.If there are no records, can you say what work, if any, are they deployed to carry out when there were no cruise ships in port between January and May 2023.If they were not deployed to do any work on non cruise ship days excluding weekends, between January and May 2023, can you advise from your accounting records, how much did it cost the port in salaries for each of those days? 22-Sep-23 No Records Found No records exist
Granted in Part Granted in part
105107 Under the auspices of the FOI Law, I would like to request a copy of the schedule (List) of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for each Department of PACI. 23-Nov-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
105210 I’m inquiring to confirm the annual budget for shark research and channel markers maintenance in Grand Cayman please? 23-Nov-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
105295 Since there are no records concerning the deployment schedules for the Taxi Dispatchers on non-cruise days and no records regarding the type of work done by the taxi dispatchers on days without cruise ships, I am requesting copies of PACI’s duty rosters for Taxi Dispatchers for the week of September 17 to 23 and copies of PACI’s CCTV that catalogs their arrival, locations throughout the day for work at PACI, the times they leave and return and the time they conclude work and depart PACI’s property for each day of that week. If you are unable to provide the CCTV, then you can list them as numbers and provide the times each one arrives for each day of the specified week, what times they take up their duties and where, what time they leave for lunch, what time they return and what time they conclude work and what time they depart from PACI’s property for each day of the specified week. Please advise what method does PACI use to account for the hours worked each day by the Taxi Dispatchers. 25-Sep-23 Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
105845 The water sports vendors operating at and around the SMB Public Beach are operating recklessly and unprofessionally, creating an unsafe environment for the general public. Their conduct appears to show disregard for the general public and of relevant legislation. Caymanian infants and children are routinely mere meters away from operators driving with a toe-line at reckless and excessive speeds within 50 yards of the shore. Operators are running multiple jet-skis, idling in circles uncontrolled for hours, with the nearest staff member over 100 ft away on land without a life jacket, while the machines drift into young swimmers nearby.In the interest of public safety, my objective is to seek timely and appropriate remedies, such as:1. The (re)introduction of new safety mechanisms, eg. protected Swim Area as per s.147(1) of the Port Act2. Considering other government departments, seek enforcement of existing permit conditions or suspension of relevant permits the vendors are operating under.In preparation for filing official grievances across departments, I am seeking further specific information to develop a comprehensive understanding of the situation. Can you kindly provide:- Geographical legal locations of Port Regulations (2022 revision) s. 147 Swim Areas between the Kimpton Resort south to the new Watermark Resort. Over the last 25 years, buoys have been installed and subsequently lost after storms.- Confirmation that no “watersports area” (as per regulation s. 146) exists in the zone between the Kimpton Resort south to the new Watermark Resort, as defined in Schedule 8 (on page 73)- Clarify department guidelines regarding interpretation and enforcement of safe jet-ski distances from swimmers as referenced in s. 143(3) and s.31(6)(a) of the Port Regulations (2022 revision)- S. 143(3) “Vessels, unless engaged in rescue operations, must keep clear of swimmers and divers”- S. 31(6)(a): “No person shall operate a ski-boat unless the area of the sea in which it is operated is free from swimmers and divers;” 18-Jan-24 No Records Found No records exist
Granted in Part Granted in part
105911 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I hereby request a copy of the Income and Expenses Account Statement for January to September 2023. 24-Nov-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
105946 Under the Auspices of the FOI Act, I wish to request copies of the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee Meetings for the period between April 13 and the present date (November 6, 2023). 24-Nov-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
105964 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you provide me with the monthly totals for OTR paid to the cargo ops night shift staff who were called out to work when they were not scheduled to work, covering for staff, illness, or any other reason?How many staff are currently deployed on the cargo ops night shift? 04-Dec-23 Granted in Full Granted in full
105968 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, as of November 1, 2023, how many Cargo Ops Night Shift still have outstanding vacation time of ten or more days and of that number, how many are scheduled to consume all of their time before December 31, 2023?  Will other staff have to be called in to work OTR for those scheduled to be on vacation?How many cargo ops staff are either on light duty deployed to do something other than what they were employed to do, or are on extended sick leave of more than ten days and if so, how long has it been for each one? Use numbers instead of names to prevent identification. 05-Feb-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106231 1.All information (including documents and correspondence (internal and external), encompassing but not necessarily limited to email, texts, and other messages) held by the Authority (Board and Administration) and referring to <REDACTED>; and  2.All information (including documents and correspondence (internal and external), encompassing but not necessarily limited to email, texts, and other messages) held by the Authority (Board and Administration) and relating to an HR Investigation of the Port Authority (PACI) (“the PACI Investigation”), which took place in or around 2022 (and in respect of which I was interviewed by Internal Audit); including but not necessarily limited to the Terms of Reference for the PACI Investigation; and all findings / reports, whether partial or complete, relating to the PACI Investigation. 28-Nov-23 Refused s. 9(c) compliance with the request would unreasonably divert the public authority’s resources
106538 On PACI’s website, there has been no Board Meeting Minutes posted since the Sept 7, 2023 minutes. May I kindly request a copy of all minutes for meetings between then and now? 05-Feb-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106804 I hereby request under the auspices of the FOI Act:1) The number of Port Authority employees who are currently certified in First Aid and CPR;2)  When (what date) was the last time that the Safety Manager conducted a First Aid and CPR certification course for PACI’s staff?2) Are there any staff certified in First Aid and CPR working on the Daytime Cargo shift, the Night time Cargo shift, Cayman Brac, Taxi Dispatch, Security, or Harbour Patrol? 06-Feb-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106808 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you state from your records when was the last time that the defibrillators on PACI’s property maintained and certified and when was the last time that PACI’s staff were trained to use them properly? How many staff are currently trained and in which departments do they work? 06-Feb-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106812 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you state from your records whether PACI has a current Succession Plan for its senior management positions and if so, when was the plan formalized and updated? 05-Feb-24 No Records Found No records exist
106816 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you provide copies of all board records, notes and correspondence relating to when PACI plans to comply with the Public Authority’s Act with respect to the adoption of government’s salary scales and benefits, and when are they going to publicly advertise all of the senior positions for which persons are currently in Acting roles? 27-Mar-24 Public Domain s. 9(d) the information is already in the public domain
No Records Found No records exist
106820 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you state from your records how many staff in Cargo Ops Daytime, Cargo Ops Nighttime, Cayman Brac, Accounts, Security, Harbour Patrol, Taxi Dispatch, Maintenance and Fleet Management did not take all of their vacation in 2023 and what was the number of days outstanding for each of those who did not take vacation?What is the total cost of the outstanding vacation days? 05-Feb-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106824 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you provide a list of the capital acquisitions PACI executed in 2023 and what was the cost of each?What was the total amount of money PACI spent on capital projects in 2023?Can you provide a copy of PACI’s income and expenditure report for January to December 2023? 05-Feb-24 Deferred s. 11(2)(a) the record is required to be published within a particular period under the provisions of a separate enactment
106890 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am requesting the percentage increase in the medical insurance premiums for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024.  The increases would have been notified to PACI by BritCay before the ending of 2021, 2022 and 2023 respectively. 22-Feb-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106894 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you please advise how many times each of the two Port cranes have broken down between December 15, 2023 and January 13, 2024, what was the cause of each of the breakdowns and the duration of time each crane was unusable. 22-Feb-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106898 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you advise on the number of accidents involving Port Staff in the last four months; Sept 1, 2023 to January 13, 2024 and whether there any injuries that required medical attention at a health facility? 04-Mar-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
106918 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, what is the total number of staff on the Cargo Operations Night Shift as at the end of December 2023 and what was the total amount of Overtime (OTR) paid to them in 2023 for call outs? 01-Mar-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
107465 This is a records request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Law. I am interested in obtaining the following information: *  A list of all FOI requests answered by the public authority in 2022, 2023 and 2024 up to and including the date of the response to this FOI (For clarity this does not need to include requests that were misdirected to you/did not require a response)* Copies of the records provided in each of the above cases or a link to where the information is now publicly available 28-Mar-24 Granted in Part Granted in part
Exempt s. 17(1)(a) subject to legal professional privilege
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
107504 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am requesting all correspondence (internal and external) where PACI decided upon and engaged the temporary Senior HR Officer and the temporary Accountant. Such correspondence should include correspondence relating to the request for the positions, the justification given, the approval of the positions, the approval of funding for the positions, correspondence related to why it was not advertised as required by the Public Authorities Act, correspondence why the individuals were engaged as temporary employees rather than full time employees, correspondence with the employment agencies or whatever method was used to employ them and the length of their temporary employment. 28-Mar-24 Granted in Part Granted in part
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
107546 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I would like to request copies of any and all correspondence internally and/or, between the Port Authority and any company, local or overseas, between 2022 and the present that is related to the purchase of any additional trucks capable of hauling shipping containers between the Port and CDC, as well as any accompanying business case, reference to where it was tendered and any invoice received with respect to any such trucks, whether purchased or not. 02-Apr-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
107555 I am writing to request copies of the Port board meeting minutes from November 2023 to date.I would also like to request copies of any and all assessments/ reports relating to port safety from 2021 to date.I would like to request all reports relating to accidents at the port over the last four years.I would like to request a breakdown of all employee complaints and the nature of the complaints made over the last two years at the port.  I would like these records provided electronically please.My details are listed below if you need any clarifications and I make 30 days from today 22 March. 05-Apr-24 Exempt s. 17(1)(a) subject to legal professional privilege
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
Granted in Part Granted in part
107574 From your records, can you advise what year was the last year that PACI gave a gratuity to persons who were retiring, who was the Port Director at that time and what was the reason it was discontinued? 28-Mar-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
107701 Under the Auspices of the FOI Act, I wish to request copies of the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee Meetings for the period between October 18, 2023 and the present date (February 28, 2024). 05-Apr-24 Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
Granted in Part Granted in part
107948 I am writing to formally request access to information in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. I kindly ask for your assistance in providing information or documents that confirm the following:1.The number of staff members (both permanent and temporary) enrolled in the Port Authority’s health insurance plan as of January 1, 2023.2.The number of staff members (both permanent and temporary) currently enrolled in the Port Authority’s health insurance plan.3.The total number of individuals on staff as of January 1, 2023, (both permanent and temporary) within the Port Authority.4.The current number of individuals on staff (both permanent and temporary) within the Port Authority.5.The total number of hires in 2023 and 2024, (both permanent and temporary) within the Port Authority. Additionally, I request information on the departments and positions affected by these hires as well as any available information on the advertisements for these positions.6.The total number of terminations (both permanent and temporary) within the Port Authority in 2023. Additionally, I request details on the departments and positions affected by these terminations.7.The total number of staff (both permanent and temporary) currently on paid leave within the Port Authority.  Additionally, I request information on the departments and positions affected 8.The total number of staff (both permanent and temporary) currently on unpaid leave within the Port Authority.9.The total number of employees in acting roles and when the Port Authority anticipates to have the positions filled.I understand that the Freedom of Information Act specifies specific time frames for providing a response. Therefore, I ask that you provide the requested information within the legally mandated time frame.Thank you for providing this information. I greatly appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to receiving the requested details as soon as possible. 05-Apr-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
108124 Total “direct” CIG revenue earned from tourism paid to CIG or related entities like PACI, CIAA. 28-Mar-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
108441 In Board Meeting 525, on the last page under HR Matters, the HR Manager made a presentation on PACI’s Organizational Chart restructuring and gave a detailed presentation on vacancies. I wish to make a request for the following two documents under the auspices of the FOI Act:1) the Organizational Chart presented in the Board meeting 525 and;2) the detailed presentation made by the HR Manager. 23-Apr-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
108460 I am seeking information regarding the importation date/processing date by Port Authority and shipping route that a vehicle was delivered on island. I have provided the vin number of the vehicle in the attached and hope that you are able to assist with providing those two pieces of information. 25-Mar-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
108787 I am hereby requesting a copy of the commentary that he received from the persons he listed in his email to the Port Director. 23-Apr-24 Granted in Part Granted in part
Exempt s. 23(1) unreasonable disclosure of personal information of any individual, whether living or dead
108841 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you provide me with the number of cruise calls that the Port Authority has had to reject on the basis that there were insufficient tenders available to service the calls for the period of January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2026?What is the maximum number of cruise ships that can be tendered per day if the ships are all between 3,000 and 5,000 capacity? 22-May-24 Granted in Part Granted in part
No Records Found No records exist
109065 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you advise how many staff members of PACI are on work permits? What is their job titles, are they permanent or temporary, which departments are they assigned to and how long have they been employed with PACI? 22-May-24 Granted in Full Granted in full
109399 A copy of my data relating to meThe purposes for which my data has been processed (in this instance application for the Security Manager Post)The source of my data (what was accessed, who has accessed, and who has processed)Any and all shortlisting dataAny and all information regarding my time Acting in my current roleWhether written or verbal notes taken before, during and after the shortlisting process and what was indicated or said by whomAny and all information/reasoning determined to come to the decision to not be shortlisted and by whom that decision was made by. 22-May-24 Administrative Closure Withdrawn by applicant
109408 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am hereby seeking the log of oil spill training, drills and exercises conducted by the Safety Manager between September 2021 and May 2024. 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109412 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am hereby seeking the log of the dates that the oil spill equipment that is owned, or controlled by the Port Authority, was checked, tested, or physically used in a training exercise between September 2021 and May 2024. 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109484 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am seeking a copy of the policy and procedures relative to the advertising, recruitment and hiring of Interns at the Port Authority. In addition to that, can you also provide copies of the records showing the current number of interns employed at the Port Authority, the date of their employment, how long has their internship lasted, their ages, their salaries and benefits, what departments they are attached to, and what courses they are studying? Can you also provide the same data for interns employed in 2023? 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109488 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you please provide me with the deployment records for the Taxi Dispatchers showing what tasks they were assigned and performed whilst on paid Port Authority time on Monday (May 27, 2024), Tuesday (May 28, 2024), Thursday (May 30, 2024) and Friday (May 31, 2024), as there were no cruise ships in port on those days according to your website. 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109492 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I am asking if the Finance Department has a complete SOP for its department’s processes as yet? 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109567 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, may I enquire what date the last Management meeting was held and may I be provided with a copy of the minutes of the meeting. 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109577 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I hereby request a copy of the Succession Plan for Senior Management that the Board is charged with producing under section 16 (l) of the Public Authorities Act. 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109581 Section 44 of the Public Authorities Act requires the Port to Act as a good employer and requiring them to have appropriate personnel policies and procedures for the fair and proper treatment of all employees in all aspects of employment. In 2018 the Board had voted to not provide medical insurance coverage to staff hired after that point upon their retirement. In September 2023, the Board voted to adopt government’s salary scales in order to bring them in parity with government.Under the auspices of the FOI Act I hereby seek the following:1) a copy of the Board’s current policy with respect to medical coverage for all employees upon retirement if they have been employed by PACI for more than ten years. Are all employees now entitled to continued medical coverage?2) a copy of the Board’s current policy with respect to bringing it in line with government’s practice of free medical coverage for the spouse and children of all employees. 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109585 Section 44 of the Public Authorities Act requires the Port to Act as a good employer and requiring them to have appropriate personnel policies and procedures for the fair and proper treatment of all employees in all aspects of employment.Under the Auspices of the FOI Act, I wish to request a copy of PACI’s policy on Internships and its procedures for engaging them; any public advertisements made; the number of interns currently employed if any, which institutions are they currently studying at, and what is the period of their internship? 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109589 Section 44 of the Public Authorities Act requires the Port to Act as a good employer and requiring them to have appropriate personnel policies and procedures for the fair and proper treatment of all employees in all aspects of employment.Can I have the Board’s policy as to why the cargo staff working nights get paid overtime when working nights, but Security staff working nights doesn’t when working nights?Has the policy changed for staff who work nights to also be paid at overtime rate when working days? 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109593 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, can you provide me with the details of Board Members who travel overseas on Port related matters in 2022, 2023 and up to the time of your reply in 2024, and which Port employees (staff) traveled with them and what was the purpose and justification for each trip? 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109624 Under the auspices of the FOI Act, I would like to request the log for the hurricane exercises held by the Safety Manager for Port Staff for the last three years? 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109672 Under the Auspices of the FOI Act, I wish to request copies of the minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee Meetings for the period between March 1, 2024 and the present date (June 18, 2024). 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109676 Under the Auspices of the FOI Act, I wish to request a copy of PACI’s Funeral Policy. 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious
109680 Under the Auspices of the FOI Act, I wish to request a copy of the business case for the acquisition of new cranes and any other heavy equipment PACI is currently seeking to acquire 08-Jul-24 Refused s. 9(a) the request is vexatious

Thank you for your interest; however there are no vacancies at present.
Please revisit our website and check our local newspapers, regularly.